Always with Hitler. As if that’s the yardstick God will use to judge people.

Lol! So true. Who did God use before Hitler? Caesar? Pharoah? I get the "good person" response from many agnostics and atheists. They say, "even if there is a God, I'll go to heaven because I'm a good person." What is good? Even Jesus questioned that by replying to the person who addressed him as good teacher: "`Why do you call me good? Only one is good, and that is God."

If Jesus wouldn't even call Himself good, and He is God, we should never bandy that word around as justification for our entry into Heaven. Just one question from a Catholic perspective - do works ever matter? Let's take Hitler again for example. What if Hitler did believe in Jesus, and was baptized. When Hitler died, would Jesus claim him, no matter his evil works? I've been meaning to write a post someday of whether Hitler is in Heaven. Can you go through life being the worst person ever and still get into Heaven simply because you are baptized a Christian? (faith) Or must you live the Christian life too? (works)

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David, you are right about Christ being our Savior. But I don't think God is some bearded guy sitting on a throne in a place called 'Heaven'.

God Is. God is Truth. God is All. And the only way we can know Him is through Christ, his Chosen One. (John 14-6:

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.) Jesus isn't some bearded guy either, He is the Way, the Love of Life, the Love and understanding and the connection we feel to God's creation, tot each other, to ourselves. Therefore: no Christ, no God.

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